Changes for Derby


The following table lists issues in JIRA which were fixed between Derby release and the preceding release This includes issues for the product source, documentation and tests

Issue IdDescription
DERBY-2973With collation TERRITORY_BASED, insert into table after changing type of column causes assert failure and loss of connection
DERBY-2966rs.moveToInsertRow() causes loss of connection with TERRITORY_BASED collation.
DERBY-2963AccessControlException: Access denied <client ip> accept,resolve
DERBY-2960Group by substr() on collated database causes ERROR XJ001: Java exception: 'ASSERT FAILED col1.getClass() (class org.apache.derby.iapi.types.SQLVarchar) expected to be the same as col2.getClass() (class org.apache.derby.iapi.types.CollatorSQLVarchar):
DERBY-2959create table ... as select ... from systemtable with no data fails even when there is no character string type involved. This happens in a territory based database
DERBY-2955ERROR 42ZA2 creating table with check constraint with literal comparison
DERBY-2951BatchUpdateTest.testAssociatedParams test fails with collation with exception: Java exception: 'ASSERT FAILED type of inserted column[0] = org.apache.derby.iapi.types.CollatorSQLChartype of template column[0] = org.apache.derby.iapi.types.SQLChar:
DERBY-2941With 10.2, Closing a resultset after retrieving a large > 32665 bytes value with Network Server does not release locks
DERBY-2932Connection.createClob() and Connection.createBlob() throw a procedure not found exception and do not switch to non-locator code upon soft upgrade
DERBY-2931jdbcapi/ConcurrencyTest not able to drop table in soft upgrade mode
DERBY-2925Prevent export from overwriting existing files
DERBY-2924Manual copyright topics need to be updated to current year
DERBY-2923Incorrect reading of nullable Blob/Clob columns during soft upgrade with client/server
DERBY-2918Errors in regression tests run against release candidate
DERBY-2915upgrade test fixture noConnnectionAfterHardUpgrade fails with
DERBY-290810.3.1.0 / 1.1.0 Derby eclipse plugin gives security error referring to user.dir read permission because derby.system.home is set to '.'
DERBY-2896DatabaseMetaData.getTables() fails in TERRORITY_BASED collation database with SQLState 42818: Comparisions between CHAR and CHAR not allowed.
DERBY-2891Clob.getCharacterStream(long,long) ignores position parameter for large (>32k) CLOBs
DERBY-2890Simplify handling of maxPos in UpdatableBlobStream and ClobUpdatableReader
DERBY-2885Wrong connection object used in EmbedConnection.clearLOBMapping()
DERBY-2882Remove references to JDK 1.2 and 1.3 in the documentation
DERBY-2879CREATE TABLE AS <subquery> does not maintain the collation for character types.
DERBY-2874NetworkServer not accepting connections with default security manager on Ipv6 machines
DERBY-2870iepnegativetests_ES.sql fails: new canon needed?
DERBY-2868BUILDING.txt doesn't mention junit.jar in list of jars installed in tools/java
DERBY-2863Collation doc corrections/improvements
DERBY-2862ParameterMetaDataJdbc30 fails for weme6.1, which prevents rest of suites.All from completing.
DERBY-2860Documentation problems for IMPORT/EXPORT LOBs feature
DERBY-2858Export exceptions swallow useful information
DERBY-2849Add a documentation for derby.jdbc.xaTransactionTimeout system/database property
DERBY-2847More clarification issues for the release notes.
DERBY-2846Fix wrong Javadoc in LOB related Update sensitive streams on the NetworkClient
DERBY-2842derbynet/ fails with '...Connection refused: connect' expecting 'Connection refused'
DERBY-284010.3.1.0 RELEASE-NOTES "Bug Fix" section's contents do not match the title or description
DERBY-2839initial problems with the beta candidate
DERBY-2831NullPointerException creating a function in a schema that doesn't exist when the return type is a character type
DERBY-2830Rename UpdateableBlobStream to UpdatableBlobStream
DERBY-2827Rename ClobStreamControl to TemporaryClob
DERBY-2823Rename ClobUpdateableReader to ClobUpdatableReader
DERBY-2819Perform Doc Checklist for 10.3 Release
DERBY-2818Rewrite ClobUpdatableReader constructors
DERBY-2817Error messages for deadlocks contain less information than in 10.2
DERBY-2814Specifying derby.* properties used in default policy file in does not work
DERBY-2812Assessing blob (when its linked to DVD stream, ie large blob) corrupts stream fetched prior to this access.
DERBY-2811Specifying -h with default security manager bars clients from connecting from any host
DERBY-2809Expressions with a parameter can be assigned the incorrect type
DERBY-2806calling getByteLength on org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.StoreStreamClob makes BinaryStream, fetched before this call, unusable
DERBY-2805ASSERT failure with sane build if DISTINCT and ORDER BY are present in a query that selects from a diagnostic table function.
DERBY-2803SSL certificate authentication succeeds unexpectedly
DERBY-2802LOBStreamControl.replaceBytes can throw null pointer exception while trying to access databytes after calling init
DERBY-2800Implement Clob.truncate for embedded driver
DERBY-2799Intermittent failure in lang/
DERBY-2796Obscure error messages when using SSL in various combinations
DERBY-2795Unable to bring up server with SSL peer authentication enabled
DERBY-2794Document ansi trim functionality
DERBY-2793Ensure LIKE predicate follows correct rules for determing collation
DERBY-2791Copy/paste error in Admin Guide under Customizing the Network Server's security policy
DERBY-2789DatabaseMetaData .locatorsUpdateCopy() should return true
DERBY-2788Authentication tests fails with 'org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver is not registered with the JDBC driver manager'
DERBY-2787make entry for clob in connection so that temporary file is removed when a connection is closed or transaction is commited/rolledback
DERBY-2784With JDBC 4 autoloading DriverManager.getProtocol("jdbc:derby:") throws java.sql.SQLException No suitable driver
DERBY-2777Parameters should take their collation from the context in which they are getting used rather than the current compilation schema
DERBY-2776Internally generated CAST nodes should not use the collation of the current compilation schema. Instead they should use collation of target type passed to it.
DERBY-2772Create a procedure to empty the statement cache exposing the existing functionality.
DERBY-2770testBlobAfterCommit(....jdbcapi.BlobClob4BlobTest) fails with 'Unexpected SQL state. expected:<XJ[073]> but was:<XJ[215]>'
DERBY-2768Do cleanup (closing stmts., conns.) on failures in jdbcapi/
DERBY-2765Make sure that all the DTDs for character string types have correct collation assigned to them.
DERBY-2763In the Network Client InputStreams and Readers returned from LOB's should be sensitive to underlying LOB data changes.
DERBY-2758ODBC metadata function "SQLForeignKeys" returns different results in 10.3.
DERBY-2757Do not require authentication when bringing up a security manager for the network server
DERBY-2754Client connections should not fail if permission is not granted to read derby.client.traceLevel and derby.client.traceDirectory
DERBY-2753org.apache.derby.impl.drda.DDMWriter might swallow unexpected exceptions
DERBY-2751testLoadJavaClassIndirectly & als fails on JVM 1.4 with "Unexpected SQL state. expected:<[38000]> but was:<[XJ001]>", "Jar file 'MY_JAVA' already exists in Schema 'EMC'"
DERBY-2748TimeSlice and Socket-Timeout bounds checking wrong
DERBY-2744jdbcapi/ and jdbcapi/ fail because of new procedure SYSCS_UTIL,SYSCS_GET_USER_ACCESS
DERBY-2743Run 10.2 tests against 10.3 and evaluate to identify incompatibilities returns invalid values
DERBY-2740LIKE parameter marker combined with index multi-probing leads to ASSERT failure with sane jars, wrong results with insane jars.
DERBY-2737Change documentation on permissions needed to include read/write for system property
DERBY-2735Add a system procedure to set a user's connection level authorization.
DERBY-2730Implement not implemented Embedded methods Blob.getBinaryStream(long pos, long length) and Clob. getCharacterStream(long pos, long length)
DERBY-2729temporary lob file should be cleaned when the transaction or connection is no longer valid.
DERBY-2726convert lang/ to JUnit
DERBY-2725If all the operands involved in collation operation have a collation derivation of NONE, then Derby should throw an exception for that as per the SQL standards.
DERBY-2724Set correct collation type and derivation for result character string types from CURRENT ISOLATION, CURRENT_USER, SESSION_USER, SYSTEM_USER, CURRENT SCHEMA and CURRENT SQLID.
DERBY-2723 Set correct collation type and derivation for result from user defined functions' that return character string type.
DERBY-2722Set correct collation type and derivation for result character string types from CHAR, VARCHAR and XMLSERIALIZE functions
DERBY-2718BlobClob4BlobTest and LobStreamTest fail creating database due to NullPointerException on weme 6.1
DERBY-2717throw error if non-matching collation ids in like.
DERBY-2716lang.CollationTest2 failures on WEME 6.1
DERBY-2715AssertionFailedError in LobStreamsTest and ClobUpdateableReaderTest on WinXP, Win2003
DERBY-2714SecureServerTest spends five minutes waiting for a server to start
DERBY-2713Ensure that a temporary file is not created for a lob obtained from resultset unless user updates it.
DERBY-2712If large clob is updated after Reader. the reader continues to point to old data
DERBY-2711If large blob is updated after InputStream is fetched (using getBinaryStream), the stream continues to point ot old data
DERBY-2710disable dynamic like optimization for collated databases
DERBY-2709lang/ShutdownDatabaseTest, lang/StatementPlanCacheTest and lang/SysDiagVTIMappingTest keep references to closed JDBC objects
DERBY-2708CanonTestCase keeps output from test in memory after it has finished
DERBY-2707Inadequate clean-up in many jdbc4 tests
DERBY-2706fix like clauses with trailing %
DERBY-2702Enable Clob locator support between NetworkServer and NetworkClient and modify tests that experience changed behaviour due to this(enabling Clob Locators).
DERBY-2701many sealing violation errors in ibm142 and ibm15 jvm test runs of junit tests.
DERBY-2695Add locator support of soft upgrade to 10.3
DERBY-2694org.apache.derby.impl.drda.DDMWriter uses wrong algorithm to avoid spliting varchar in the middle of a multibyte char.
DERBY-2693Error in conrefs file reference in one Reference Manual file
DERBY-2692Client driver doesn't chain exceptions received from the server
DERBY-2689Deadlock with GenericPreparedStatement
DERBY-2686The skip method for some InputStreams and Readers return invalid values
DERBY-2684NSinSameJVM regression test failure, "> FAIL: Should have gotten exception"
DERBY-2673If derby.system.home does not exist Derby should only attempt to create that specific folder, not any missing parents (ie. use File.mkdir(), not File.mkdirs())
DERBY-2671Errors/messages early in starting the network server through NetworkServerControl.start() are not reported to the PrintWriter passed into start().
DERBY-2670%a% and %aa% match too many rows in database with collation=TERRITORY_BASED and territory=no_NO
DERBY-2669If no territory attribute is not specified at create database time, then we should ignore the collation attribute if specified.
DERBY-2663derbyall/derbytools/ij2 fails in derbyall run in the J2ME environment
DERBY-2662DITA error in adminguide/cadminservlet98430.dita
DERBY-2658Convert jdbcapi/ to JUnit
DERBY-2657Performance regression after check-in of svn 531971
DERBY-2656Run suites.All against a collated database
DERBY-2654Document newly-supported (in embedded mode) JDBC methods for autogenerated keys.
DERBY-2652Clob.setCharacterStream differs between embedded and client driver
DERBY-2647.lang.ErrorCodeTest fails with 'Required Derby DataSource property {0} not set.'
DERBY-2646Cleanup of Clob control/support structures
DERBY-2645upgrade test failures with weme 6.1.
DERBY-2644multiple junit failures during nightly of the form: 2) Encryption Algorithm: Access denied (java.util.PropertyPermission derby.system.home read)
DERBY-2642Convert lang/dynamicLikeOptimization.sql to JUnit
DERBY-2641Convert lang/staleplans.sql to JUnit
DERBY-2635intermittent failure in T_RawStoreFactory unit test
DERBY-2633Authorization error codes have been moved. Translated messages must be moved accordingly.
DERBY-2632upgrade tests fail through BlobStoredProcedureTest and ClobStoredProcedureTest with JSR169
DERBY-2631Expose existing auto-generated key functionality through more JDBC APIs in embedded mode.
DERBY-2622Fix build problems related to locator work
DERBY-2621Fix javadoc issues related to locator work
DERBY-2619 A Derby source release must include the documentation source files
DERBY-2616intermittent network startup related errors in running junit nightly test suite
DERBY-2613upgrade test problem when attempting to test -
DERBY-2612running soft upgrade of a 10.0 database vs. 10.3 software gives test error in testGetTablesModify concerning XML type
DERBY-2611upgrade test incorrectly tries to test in place compress in 10.0 release.
DERBY-2610Queries in allow tablepattern for JDBC methods that do not allow patterns
DERBY-2609The tests in ij7.sql are only performed in embedded mode.
DERBY-2608Compilation Error of manual in Apache FOP
DERBY-2607DatabaseMetaData is not consistent about throwing SqlException when tablename=null
DERBY-2606Derby should print the parameters to failed statements to the derby.log when it logs the error
DERBY-2605You can create BOOLEAN columns in 10.3
DERBY-2604Implement Clob support for locators
DERBY-2603Minor erratum in page of VARCHAR in Derby Reference manual
DERBY-2600Remove temporary code added to enable testing of CLOB locator related stored procedures.
DERBY-2599Set correct collation type and derivation on DataTypeDescriptor(DTD).
DERBY-2598new upgrade test failures after change 528033
DERBY-2597Language result sets should not reuse current isolation level across executions
DERBY-2595junit tests uses getExportedKeys with table name null
DERBY-2594Revoking a privilege from an SQL Object should invalidate statements dependent on that object
DERBY-2593Add documentation for the CREATE TABLE as subquery clause
DERBY-2591DataDictionaryImpl.getSystemSQLName() may generate duplicates
DERBY-2587Connection.createClob() and Connection.createBlob() need to return locator support enabled LOB objects in the NetworkClient
DERBY-2586BlobClob4BlobTest.tesPositionAgressive takes very long time
DERBY-2584Creating a database with JPOX SchemaTool sometimes gives ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when getIndexInfo() is called
DERBY-2583At code generation time, look at collation type to determine what kind of DVD should get generated for character types.
DERBY-2581Callers of SanityManager.THROWASSERT should chain the exceptions when possible
DERBY-2580SanityManager.THROWASSERT(String,Throwable) ignores message argument
DERBY-2579AssertFailure class should use JDK's built-in chaining of exceptions
DERBY-2578Change CurrentDatetimeOperatorNode to use ExpressionClassBuilder to generate code for DVD rather than going directly though TypeCompiler
DERBY-2577convert jdbcapi/ to junit
DERBY-2570Create a utility which generates Release Notes
DERBY-2568'Connection refused' in jdbcapi/LobStreamsTest.junit
DERBY-2567convert lang/errorcode.sql to JUnit
DERBY-2566OutOfMemory/Sanity-assert failed when updating database
DERBY-2565BrokeredConnection needs to forward implementations of locator related methods in EngineConnection to the underlying physical connection
DERBY-2562conver/ to JUnit
DERBY-2561convert lang/simpleScroll.sql to JUnit
DERBY-2560Missing asserts in ProcedureInTriggerTest
DERBY-2558client trhows ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception instead of parameter out of range
DERBY-2556Code paths for db restore do not use doPrivileged-calls, causing SecurityException
DERBY-2555Remove use of doPrivileged in EncryptionKeyTest
DERBY-2554convert lang/supersimple.sql to JUnit
DERBY-2551Global Xid value garbled in syscs_diag.transaction_table.
DERBY-2545testModifiesSql(org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.lang.ProcedureInTriggerTest)junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: Unexpected SQL state. expected:<3800[0]> but was:<3800[1]>
DERBY-2544SecurityPolicyReloadingTest( )junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Policy file changed. Should not be able to read the property.
DERBY-2543 testVirtualMemoryHeap junit test fails with "Virtual memory heap test failed! Got unexpected value. expected:<202> but was:<103>"
DERBY-2542convert lang/scrollCursors1.sql to junit
DERBY-2541Create initial testing framework for Junit Collation testing
DERBY-2540Restructure code for Blob/Clob length in client to prepare for locator implementation
DERBY-2538Update documentation to describe the expected behavior when a JDBC 4 app creates a JDBC 3 datasource.
DERBY-2537implement pushing collation info to store, storing collation info in store metadata, and creating templates based on store metadata
DERBY-2536Convert lang/procedureInTrigger.sql to JUnit
DERBY-2526Wrong results with queries that use the JOIN ... ON syntax to join with views or other non-base table expressions.
DERBY-2525Convert lang/grantRevokeDDL and grantRevokeDDL2 to JUnit
DERBY-2523convert jdbcapi/LobTest to junit
DERBY-2522convert jdbcapi/ to junit
DERBY-2521Building derby outputs (from ant) various information messages that are marked as warning severity.
DERBY-2520Document new restrictions of database shutdown, encryption and hard upgrade powers
DERBY-2519Clean-up in BlobClob4BlobTest
DERBY-2517convert lang/forupdate.sql to junit
DERBY-2511reference manual's description of JDBC4 features has misleading sections
DERBY-2509Implement the XA transaction timeout support for client driver.
DERBY-2508Implement the XA transaction timeout support for embedded driver.
DERBY-2506Adding the locator information to FD:OCA descriptor (FDODSC) andFD:OCA data (FDODTA) of the SQLDTA objects
DERBY-2505Convert derbynet/ to JUnit
DERBY-2502Unclosed ResultSets choke JUnit lang _Suite on java 6
DERBY-2501Batch scripts in bin\ report extraneous errors when DERBY_HOME is invalid
DERBY-2500Assertion failure preparing query with AND and OR in where clause
DERBY-2497convert lang/ to junit
DERBY-2496Implement Blob support for Locators
DERBY-2495Create framework for calling locator related stored procedures from client
DERBY-2494Convert lang/ test to junit test
DERBY-2493Use unsynchronized collections in BackingStoreHashtable
DERBY-2492convert checkDataSource, checkDataSource30 and to junit
DERBY-2491Convert distinct.sql to JUnit
DERBY-2489Document the policy-reloading system procedure.
DERBY-2488When loaded by jvm1.6 - EmbeddedConnectionPoolDataSource is not returning a JDBC 4 compliant PooledConnection object
DERBY-2484Convert syscat.sql to junit
DERBY-2480DriverManager.getConnection leaks memory when connecting to a non-existent database
DERBY-2478'Invalid transaction state...' in jdbcapi.SetTransactionIsolationTest
DERBY-2476convert lang/ test to junit test
DERBY-2474Convert jdbcapi/ to junit
DERBY-2473Compilation of reference manual translated into pt_BR seems to be failed
DERBY-2472Use Throwable.initCause() to improve error reporting
DERBY-2467Convert lang/ to JUnit
DERBY-2466Allow dynamic reloading of the security policy file
DERBY-2464convert lang/ to junit does not honor ResultSet holdability
DERBY-2461Convert lang/ to junit
DERBY-2459Ordering on a CASE-expression casues a NullPointerException when using a UNION
DERBY-2458Convert lang/ to junit
DERBY-2456File stream is left open when an exception occurs while setting up a character stream for data export.
DERBY-2452convert to junit
DERBY-2450Clob.Position returning wrong value when operating on Reader
DERBY-2444Implement not implemented methods Blob.getBinaryStream(long pos, long length) and Clob. getCharacterStream(long pos, long length) in the Network Client
DERBY-2443Implement ResultSet updateClob/updateBlob methods on the NetworkClient
DERBY-2442Remove code made redundant by DERBY-681
DERBY-2440DerbyNetNewServer should specify port when it starts a server to avoid requiring 1527 to run
DERBY-2435network server boot fails indicating authentication must be set up even when authentication is fully defined in
DERBY-2434HarnessJavaTest fails on UTF-8 locale.
DERBY-2433Error message when booting server with no authentication is misleading
DERBY-2432Unimplemented transaction time out for XA transactions may cause that locks will not be released when client terminates outside a unit of work.
DERBY-2431Documentation for DatabaseMetaData should reflect that getColumnPrivileges and getTablePrivileges are implemented
DERBY-2430 setObject(int targetType, Blob source) and setObject(int targetType, Clob source) should disallow updates on all targetTypes except BLOB and CLOB respectively
DERBY-2429Convert jdbcapi/ to JUnit
DERBY-2427jdbcapi/BlobStoredProcedureTest and jdbcapi/ClobStoredProcedureTest fail with weme6.1
DERBY-2425ResultSetMetaData.getColumnDisplaySize() returns a negative value for BLOB columns for client
DERBY-2422convert lang/ to junit used by hardcodes port 1527
DERBY-2411convert to junit
DERBY-2410Convert to JUnit
DERBY-2406XAResource.end does not set the XA transaction state correctly when the XAException is thrown
DERBY-2405Remove @author tags from the source files hardcodes port 1527
DERBY-2400Javadoc - clean up Cloudscape references in javadoc
DERBY-2399Convert to junit
DERBY-2395Convert derbynet/ to junit test
DERBY-2393Change the test name from RunLangTest to RunOptimizerTest
DERBY-2391"Derby and standards" section of Developer's Guide needs reorganization
DERBY-2390DOCS - Merge Working with Derby and Getting Started Guide
DERBY-2387DOCs - Reorder the topics in the Ref Manual into Alphabetical order - functions, procedures
DERBY-2386timestampdiff function fails when using SQL_TSI_FRAC_SECOND for datepart parameter, except for very small intervals
DERBY-2385create the stored procedures called by LOB related JDBC methods during upgrade
DERBY-2383ReuseFactory should use the constants in java.lang.Boolean
DERBY-2382Convert to Junit
DERBY-2381ParameterMappingTest fails due to ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException executing a procedure
DERBY-2379provide encryption support for temporary files used by lob if the data base is encrypted
DERBY-2378SecureServerTest should not be using non-public apis
DERBY-2377Document language based ordering which will be implemented by code related sub-tasks of DERBY-1478.
DERBY-2376Patch available to make .classpath entries portable - relative to ECLIPSE_HOME
DERBY-2375jdbcapi/users2.sql and jdbcapi/secureUsers.sql fails on IBM weme 6.1
DERBY-2372Document the secure-by-default network server
DERBY-2371Setting a default value for a VARCHAR column fails when column contains data
DERBY-2370EXISTS may return the wrong value for sub-queries involving set operations
DERBY-2369NetworkServerControl.shutdown() takes at least 1.5 seconds, could be faster.
DERBY-2368Modify compatibility/testScript.xml to not run embedded/jvm1.3 case any more - not valid after r509863
DERBY-2366Tests DerbyNetNewServer and SecureServerTest fails on weme 6.1
DERBY-2365Brushing up pages for MAX and MIN in Derby Reference Manual
DERBY-2364improve documentation to explain logged/unlogged operations
DERBY-2361Documentation should give examples for using the different security mechanisms
DERBY-2356Make SSL server authentication optional
DERBY-2355Wrong URL in Eclipse-Plugin Lab Example
DERBY-2350Use of XML values in the action statement of a trigger throw exceptions.
DERBY-2347Add code to support request and return of locators over DRDA
DERBY-2346Provide set methods for clob for embedded driver
DERBY-2345truncate on a Blob does not work when the Blob is in memory
DERBY-2342convert to junit
DERBY-2341derby.language.statementCacheSize is ignored when it is set as a database property.
DERBY-2339org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.suites.All is extremely CPU intensive since ~svn 507489
DERBY-2336Enable collation based ordering for CHAR data type.
DERBY-2335Compare character datatypes with different collation ordering.
DERBY-2333Convert parameterMapping to JUnit
DERBY-2332Convert old harness tests for statement caching into a single JUnit test class (with multiple fixtures)
DERBY-2331Disallow code in installed jars from resolving classes in the org.apache.derby.* namespace except for public apis.
DERBY-2330Disallow user-defined SQL routines to resolve to entry points (methods in classes) in the org.apache.derby.* namespace
DERBY-2329Compatibility test fails in all combinations with 'serverTrunk', i.e. current trunk revision. (since tinderbox on svn 506771)
DERBY-2328Reduce monitor contention in SinglePool
DERBY-2327Reduce monitor contention in LockSet
DERBY-2324convert StmtCloseFunTest to JUnit
DERBY-2323Update Graphic in Dev Guide - Embedded deployment application overview
DERBY-2318testStreams(org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.lang.StreamsTest) failed on weme6.1 jvm/
DERBY-2315compatibility/testScript.xml should include 10.2.2 in the server/client combinations
DERBY-2312Remove unwanted prints generated by the test
DERBY-2311 Generate the txt and blobs required for the system tests dynamically
DERBY-2310Improve the Readme.txt files in both the tests
DERBY-2309Add build.xml, so that the code can get compiled using ant with the 'all' target.
DERBY-2305Convert tests in derbynet that will run via HarnessJavaTest
DERBY-2304Convert derbynet/ to junit
DERBY-2302AccessControlException for 'user.dir read' in ClientSideSystemPropertiesTest.testConnection
DERBY-2301Documentation of different executeBatch error handling between embedded and DerbyNetClient needed
DERBY-2300convert test lang/ to JUnit
DERBY-2299convert to junit
DERBY-2296getProperties method deprecated on ClientDataSource
DERBY-2294Missing sql script: '/org/apache/derbyTesting/functionTests/tests/lang/altertableDropColumn.sql'
DERBY-2293convert to junit
DERBY-2283convert lang/ test to junit test
DERBY-2281Update the Tuning Guide figure about using the statement cache
DERBY-2279JDBC3 driver is loaded instead of JDBC4 when running with jdk1.7
DERBY-2277Make it possible to run the testsuite with jdk1.7
DERBY-2275XSLT changes for PDF output
DERBY-2274Implement testing for SSL communication
DERBY-2273Implement SSL flag in datasource objects
DERBY-2272SSL Documentation
DERBY-2269running tests (derbyall, or suites.All) with weme6.1 (or wctme5.7) with derbyrun.jar fails with NoClassDefFoundError: javax.naming.Referenceable
DERBY-2268AccessControlException when exiting junit.swingui.TestRunner
DERBY-2265bad logic in jvm:guessWSHome() in old test harness affects j9 runs
DERBY-2264Restrict shutdown, upgrade, and encryption powers to the database owner
DERBY-2263Update the copyright dita files to mark Derby logo images as non-substantive images (for accessibility)
DERBY-2262DatabaseMetaData.getTypeInfo returns incorrect MAXIMUM_SCALE value for DECIMAL and NUMERIC types
DERBY-2260DatabaseMetaData.getTypeInfo() returns incorrect precision for VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA
DERBY-2259DatabaseMetaData.getTypeInfo() SEARCHABLE column returns incorrect information for types that cannot be searched.
DERBY-2258DatabaseMetaData.getTypeInfo() does not list supported Derby SQL types correctly.
DERBY-2257Implementing the stored procedures called by the LOB related JDBC methods
DERBY-2256Wrong Results: Use of decimal values in an IN-list with INTEGER left operand can lead to extra rows.
DERBY-2249Place holder to attach the long running test which will test Derby's improved optimizer
DERBY-2248Place holder for the NetworkServer system test
DERBY-2247provide set methods for blob in embeded driver
DERBY-2244DatabaseMetaData.supportsExpressionsInOrderBy() returns false
DERBY-2243DatabaseMetaData.supportsANSI92EntryLevelSQL() returns false for embedded, true for client driver
DERBY-2241compatibilitytest fails after DERBY-2121 change.
DERBY-2237Cleanup copyrights in the DITA source and generated docs
DERBY-2236Three tests from i18nTest fails on SLES with jdk1.4.2 when derbyrun.jar comes before derby.jar in the classpath
DERBY-2233junit test derbynet/PreparedStatementTest fails with wctme5.7 (aka j9 2.2/ foundation/j2ME 1.0) and weme6.1 (aka j9 2.3 / foundation/j2ME 1.1)
DERBY-2230AssertFailure: ByteCode Conditional then/else stack mismatch
DERBY-2228Support Derby on J2ME/CDC/Foundation 1.1
DERBY-2226Move column bitset computation to IndexToBaseRowNode
DERBY-2224Test harness should support J2ME 1.1
DERBY-2223Let BasePage.fetchFieldFromSlot use the special single-col FetchDescriptor ctor
DERBY-2222'show indexes in SCHEMANAME' does not work with the client driver
DERBY-2220Uncommitted transactions executed throught XAResource will held locks after the application terminates (or crashes during the transaction).
DERBY-2218Null Pointer Exception when an untyped NULL subquery ("values null") appears outside of the FROM list in a SELECT query.
DERBY-2217Convert upgrade tests to Junit
DERBY-2216Allow demo SimpleApp to work in J2ME environment
DERBY-2215Nested test configuration decorators based upon ChangeConfigurationSetup do not work as expected.
DERBY-2214Fix Getting Started file to reflect classpath change
DERBY-2213Support running Junit tests with just embedded jar file and testing jars.
DERBY-2208setNetworkServerCP scripts need not add derby.jar into the CLASSPATH
DERBY-2200Add performance tests to Derby using the junit perf framework
DERBY-2199BaseJDBCTestCase.assertSQLState should preserve the original exception
DERBY-2197Remove unused code for locking rows while holding a latch
DERBY-2196Run standalone network server with security manager by default
DERBY-2195Nested triggers not working properly after maximum trigger count exception is thrown
DERBY-2194A few more problems with Working with Derby manual
DERBY-2193[import] ERROR 38000: StringIndexOutOfBoundsException was thrown while evaluating an expression.
DERBY-2191Cleanup of FormatableBitSet
DERBY-2184QuickStart section of java/testing/README.htm should contain Sun JDK6 as supported java version for running tests
DERBY-2183Trigger recompilation problem when trigger action has its table not qualified with a schema
DERBY-2179suites.All fails after revision 483606 with ibm15
DERBY-2166Implement proper handling of SocketTimeoutException in DRDAConnThread
DERBY-2158test lang.UpdatableResultSetTest.testUpdateXXXWithAllDatatypes fails with wctme5.7 (j9) foundation
DERBY-2157SqlExceptionTest.testChainedException and .testNextException fail with wctme5.7 foundation
DERBY-2155checkDataSource and checkDataSource30 fail in the tinderbox test
DERBY-2153suites.All falls over with foundation after revision 482433; java.lang.NoClassFoundError: javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory
DERBY-2152Support diagnostic vti tables that take parameters, such as SpaceTable
DERBY-2151"Fixer-upper" utility to help convert ij canon-based tests to JUnit.
DERBY-2150Reduce use of synchronized collections in GenericLanguageConnectionContext
DERBY-2149Replace Vectors and Hashtables with ArrayLists and HashMaps in RAMTransaction
DERBY-2147LIKE predicate does not accept a pure column reference as righthand operand (gives ERROR 42824)
DERBY-2141BlobClob4BlobTest.testPositionBlob() fails with NullPointerException
DERBY-2140BlobClob4BlobTest.testSelfDestructiveClob() fails with "ERROR X0X95: Operation 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on object 'TESTCLOB' because there is an open ResultSet dependent on that object."
DERBY-2138Remove DataDictionaryContext and associated code
DERBY-2137CALL (PROCEDURE) statement documentation in reference manual has incomplete syntax for arguments
DERBY-2135add comment to messages.xml to ensure translations are kept in sync or removed when adding/removing parameters
DERBY-2124Incorrect method name in error message for Connection.setTransactionIsolation method
DERBY-2123Remove workaround for old JIT bug from StoredPage
DERBY-2122Optimize ContainerLock.isCompatible()
DERBY-2121Remove JDK 1.3 build dependency in network server
DERBY-2118Change some boundary checks in ArrayInputStream to ASSERTs to improve performance
DERBY-2117Intermittent failure in lang/compressTable.sql
DERBY-2116Test files missing svn:eol-style
DERBY-2115Some master files don't have the svn:eol-style property
DERBY-2114Let Clock embed a HashMap rather than inherit from Hashtable
DERBY-2112Nullpointer on executeBatchRequestX when preparedStatement has no parameters
DERBY-2108Implement SSL/TLS communication between client and server
DERBY-2107Move page latching out of the lock manager
DERBY-2103After a Lexical Error due to syntax error , even a simple create table does not work on the same connection.
DERBY-2102JDBC.assertFullResultSet should handle byte arrays
DERBY-2100Convert derbynet/ to Junit
DERBY-2099Make BasePage.getPageId() final
DERBY-2096Change the Parser.parserStatement() to return the more specific StatementNode instead of QueryTreeNode.
DERBY-2095Add the ability to populate a database for the order entry toolkit based upon the TPC-C specification.
DERBY-2093Error in initSlotTable() can cause NPE or ASSERT rather than reporting page number in corrupt page message.
DERBY-2089jdbc4/VerifySignatures.junit is failing
DERBY-2088Update the documentation templates. Add comment about changing the reference ID
DERBY-2087Clean up of a database server directory after running junit tests.
DERBY-2083Shutting down a database loaded from a jar leaves an open file reference to the jar file containing the database.
DERBY-2067Assert failure in EmbedConnection.restoreContextStack() when running lang/
DERBY-2060SET CURRENT ISOLATION in refers java.sql.Connection.setTransactionLevel instead of java.sql.Connection.setTransactionIsolation
DERBY-2057SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_INPLACE_COMPRESS_TABLE documentation or implementation error on its arguments.
DERBY-2056junitTests/derbyNet/ fails with IBM JVM 142 and 15 on both Windows and Linux platforms
DERBY-2055Add execution of the schema scripts for order entry
DERBY-2054Rewrite 'derbynet/SuicideOfStreaming' to a JUnit test
DERBY-2053Dev Guide: Syntax errors in SQL tips -> Tricks of the VALUES clause -> Multiple rows
DERBY-2052JDBC.assertRowInResultSet compares the wrong value if using trimmed strings and a SMALLINT column exists.
DERBY-2050Manipulating CachedItems could be more efficient
DERBY-2049Test jdbcapi/ and lang/ are failing on J9 jvm ( J2ME Foundation Specification v1.0)
DERBY-2048LangScripts JUnit test fails in views.sql
DERBY-2047TestDataSourceFactory doesn't work correctly outside the old harness
DERBY-2046Make class final
DERBY-2044Add date, derby version and jvm version info to the report generated by the top-level ant target junitreport.
DERBY-2043NIST suite run as a Junit test fails on J2ME with WCTME 5.7
DERBY-2042Provide documentation for new RENAME COLUMN statement
DERBY-2040Setting derby.database.classpath to contain installed jars causes the database to be unbootable when a Securitymanager is installed.
DERBY-2037provide checking tool to flag possible errors in message translations
DERBY-2036junit testing with j2ME / wctme 5.7 foundation fails with java.sql.SQLException: org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver is not registered with the JDBC driver manager
DERBY-2033Convert lang/dcl.sql test to JUnit
DERBY-2032MathTrigFunctionsTest can be improved to execute in under ten seconds instead of its current eighty seconds
DERBY-2028Make sure JUnit tests name their suites
DERBY-2027JUnit suite All crashes with OutOfMemoryError when running LobLengthTest
DERBY-2025convert lang/ to Junit
DERBY-2023Ensure all tests called by jdbc40._Suite run in embedded and client as required.
DERBY-2022jdbcapi.LobStreamsTest runs only in client (not embedded) but its suite() method gives no reason why.
DERBY-2020Change file option for syncing log file to disk from rws to rwd
DERBY-2019IJ's describe command does not handle quotes very well
DERBY-2018NullPointerException in CREATE VIEW ... VALUES NULL;
DERBY-2007Convert NIST suite to JUnit using the existing NistScripts JUnit test.
DERBY-2006Add JUnit and JUnitReport task as a target in Ant script
DERBY-2005convert jdbcapi/ to Junit
DERBY-2003Use a lower wait timeout in BlobClob4BlobTest
DERBY-2001Add DITA templates for the 3 topic types into the trunk
DERBY-2000A SecurityManager is not always installed when running JUnit tests/suites
DERBY-1995Add base schema scripts for order entry
DERBY-1994Implement data model for order entry
DERBY-1993Check in the demo used by the Java in the Database session at Apachecon 2006
DERBY-1989Convert jdbc4/ to JUnit
DERBY-1988Convert jdbc4/ to JUnit
DERBY-1985Use Calendar.setTimeInMillis(long) instead of Calendar.setTime(Date) for performance.
DERBY-1983Change build system so that base level is JDK 1.4
DERBY-1979convert jdbcapi/ to Junit
DERBY-1976Add new utility methods to BaseJDBCTestCase to make conversion of ij tests to JUnit easier.
DERBY-1975SQLAuthorizationPropTest cannot be run twice against the same database.
DERBY-1974Junit tests that require SQL authorization mode should use a different database to the default one.
DERBY-1971Make TestConfiguration set descriptive names for TestSuite objects it instantiates
DERBY-1965NetworkServerControlImpl never closes the socket or streams it opens in setUpSocket.
DERBY-1964Update the documentation of SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_COMPRESS_TABLE for the changes that went in as part of DERBY-737
DERBY-1962Convert jdbcapi/ to junit
DERBY-1961Investigate resource usage for different types of load on an in-memory database
DERBY-195910.2 'Derby Developer's Guide' error/ambiguity.
DERBY-1956Remove stale code from the statement classes in the client driver
DERBY-1955Unquoted path in .bat files may cause errors (Win)
DERBY-1953Make FOR EACH clause and MODE DB2SQL in CREATE TRIGGER statement optional
DERBY-1952Remove the running of JUnit tests from the old derby test harness to allow faster conversion to a pure-Junit world.
DERBY-1949locate function documentation should clarify behavior when first parameter is empty string
DERBY-1947OutOfMemoryError after repeated calls to boot and shutdown a database
DERBY-1942There exists difference between behavior of setNull(Types.TIME) and setTiime(null).
DERBY-1935Reference Manual - Derby Limitations
DERBY-1934Reference Manual updates - J2EE Compliance: Java Transaction API and javax.sql Extensions
DERBY-1930Move JDBC implementation notes into the published javadoc
DERBY-1929SYSTABLEPERMS and SYSCOLPERMS documentation needs to be updated
DERBY-1928Update table "Support for SQL-92 Features: Basic schema manipulation" for GRANT/REVOKE
DERBY-1926Provide documentation for ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN
DERBY-1922readme.html under frameworks does not mention about Derby client and some minor typos in example.html
DERBY-1920DOCS - Improve topic titles for vague and duplicate topics
DERBY-1919Top level index.html page should link to release notes and other items in top-level of a release.
DERBY-1918INCREMENT of IDENTITY column described as allowing a value of zero in reference manual
DERBY-1917Clob.position fails with Embedded driver and large Clobs
DERBY-1909ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN needs to update GRANTed column privileges
DERBY-1895Convert jdbcapi/ to Junit
DERBY-1890improve XSDFI error message
DERBY-1889Convert jdbcapi/ to Junit
DERBY-1879Save meta data related information for an EmbedResultSet at the plan level instead of the ResultSet level improves performance.
DERBY-1874largeDataTests/LobLimits master needs update for new exception names
DERBY-1869lang/ fails if it starts right before midnight
DERBY-1868Merge argument descriptors into SQLState strings so that SQLState documentation can be generated by a program
DERBY-1867Document algorithm support required for using secmec 8(USRSSSBPWD) and limitation on ibm141 vm.
DERBY-1861Column ordering ASSERT when combining column references and expressions in same ORDER BY
DERBY-1852Wrong results: duplicate rows returned for nested UNIONs when they should be eliminated.
DERBY-1847SELECT statement asserts with XJ001 when attempted to select a newly added column in SQL authorization mode
DERBY-1841lang/groupBy.sql fails with IBM j9 vms
DERBY-1828Access rule violations should use a SQL state starting with '42' according to the SQL standard.
DERBY-1822LOCK TABLE example and description in reference manual should get replaced by a 'real' example
DERBY-1816Client's ResultSet.getTime() on a SQL TIMESTAMP column loses the sub-second resolution and always has a milli-second value of zero.
DERBY-1815In admin guide examples to start network server on windows with .bat scripts, $DERYBY_INSTALL Is used , I think it should be %DERBY_INSTALL%
DERBY-1814Tests should always be compiled with line number information.
DERBY-1805Links to element ids inside a topic are broken in PDFs and HTML Books
DERBY-1797Building toursdb would go a little faster if it used autocommit off mode.
DERBY-1795Graphics not copied over for PDF and HTML-single manuals
DERBY-1791Make policy file and harness tests cope with derbyTesting being in a different folder (test) to the other jars.
DERBY-1765Update ALTER TABLE documentation to reflect DERBY-119 (ALTER COLUMN [NOT]NULL)
DERBY-1760remote server testing with 10.2 snapshot showed 8 failures
DERBY-1758Enable xmlSuite to run as part of derbyall in environments that have the required external jars.
DERBY-1753Doc for SYSCS_INPLACE_COMPRESS_TABLE has incorrect procedure name in the java examples.
DERBY-1752Fix javadoc to account for changes required by new licence header policy.
DERBY-1746upgrade tests should start using 10.1.3 released builds
DERBY-1712Add a JUnit test decorator that starts the NetworkServer at setUp and stops it at tearDown.
DERBY-1709Deprecate scripts in frameworks directory
DERBY-1704Allow more concurrency in the lock manager
DERBY-1673Compling with jikes not longer works due to recent changes that added -target -source command line flags to each compile
DERBY-1665Incorrect JavaDoc for Qualifier interface
DERBY-1662Document derbyrun.jar
DERBY-1644NPE when inserting values to a table that has a column declared as generated by default as identity
DERBY-1624use of direct column name rather than alias make aggregation fail (Hibernate depends on that)
DERBY-1623Add ANSI TRIM implementation
DERBY-1620SQL CASE statement returns ERROR 42X89 when including NULL as a return value
DERBY-1610Resolve difference of type compatibility between Embedded and NetworkServer/NetworkDriver
DERBY-1606derbyrunjartest hangs with wctme5.7 & always uses j9_13; hangs with _foundation
DERBY-1590Consolidate the *conrefs.dita files in the documentation source tree to a single file.
DERBY-1589CREATE TABLE throws NullPointerException in Derby SQL Standard Authorization after DROPs and REVOKES
DERBY-1588Link "Getting Started...." and "Apache Derby Server ...." in demo.html needs to be linked to actual documents instead of manuals page
DERBY-1570The derby configuration, logging and diagnostic properties such as derby.language.logStatementText are hard to find in the documentation
DERBY-1558enable more testcases in ConcurrencyTest
DERBY-1557Add a JUnit test decorator that creates a database at setUp and removes it at tearDown.
DERBY-1556Add a utility JUnit test decorator that drops all SQL objects in its tearDown method.
DERBY-1535Trial 2 for DERBY-550, improve use of Engine from NetworkServer and reduce memory usage
DERBY-1526build should be able to locate the Java runtime libraries from properties not sourced from ${user.home}, but inside the current subversion checkout.
DERBY-1520Document new SYSCS_DIAG tables
DERBY-1519'setAsciiStream' uses different encodings for embedded and client
DERBY-1501PreparedStatement#setNull(int parameterIndex, int sqlType) throws SQL Exception if given sqlType is LONGVARBINARY in embedded mode
DERBY-1496testSecMec needs many masters - should convert to junit
DERBY-1494PreparedStatement.setNull(int, int) checks type compatibility on embedded, but not on the client
DERBY-1490Provide ALTER TABLE RENAME COLUMN functionality
DERBY-1489Provide ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN functionality
DERBY-1484Client and embedded behave differently when the table name is null in DatabaseMetaData methods
DERBY-1440jdk 1.6 client driver omits SQLStates and chained exceptions in error messages
DERBY-1434Client can send incorrect database name to server after having made multiple connections to different databases.
DERBY-1381Document ij.exceptionTrace property
DERBY-1377Update copyright headers to comply with new ASF policy
DERBY-1355ClientDriver ResultSetMetaData.isAutoIncrement(column) always returns false
DERBY-1341LOB set method(s) are currently no supported, but part of the Java 1.4 JDBC interface
DERBY-1285Finish JDBC3 Blob implementation
DERBY-1275Provide a way to enable client tracing without changing the application
DERBY-1132Truncation Error with Concat
DERBY-1122Improve base JUnit testing classes
DERBY-1054Starting Derby with the NetServlet inside of tomcat does not allow binding to non localhost interface.
DERBY-1001Rewrite 'store/encryptionKey.sql' to a JUnit test
DERBY-967lang/autoincrement.sql intermittently fails on SunOS-5.10_i86
DERBY-931Until DERBY-911 gets fixed, document the difference in behavior between Nework Client Driver and Embedded Driver for setReadOnly
DERBY-908YEAR,SECOND,MONTH, MINUTE, HOUR and DAY functions have incorrect information on durations.
DERBY-815Prevent unneeded object creation and excessive decoding in parseSQLDTA_work()
DERBY-812Scripts to publish Derby test results
DERBY-806One each deleted or updated from a heap row a new RowPosition object is created.
DERBY-801Allow parallel access to data files.
DERBY-790SQLException used by the networked interface to Derby is not serializable
DERBY-729Scalar time and date functions return 0 instead NULL when argument is NULL
DERBY-681Eliminate the parser's rewriting of the abstract syntax tree for queries with GROUP BY and/or HAVING clauses
DERBY-680In ij, executing a prepared statement with numeric/decimal parameter fails with NullPointerException in J2ME/CDC/FP
DERBY-630create trigger fails with null pointer exception
DERBY-595Using derby.language.logStatementText=true can mask certain exceptions and lead to incorrect behavior in some cases
DERBY-552Fetching resources using getResourceAsStream from a jar stored in a database that is archived in a jar file fails
DERBY-538Investigate using the standard for database class loading.
DERBY-537SQLJ.INSTALL_JAR and SQLJ.UPDATE_JAR fail when running with a SecurityManager enabled.
DERBY-415sysinfo with -cp client option should not print error saying DB2 jar file and driver class are missing
DERBY-391Tools and Utilities guide does not document ij.datasource, ij.user, nor ij.password
DERBY-378support for import/export of tables with clob/blob and the other binary data types will be good addition to derby,
DERBY-264This enhancement to allow expressions in ORDER BY clause will require documentation changes.
DERBY-234Documentation of DateTime types is incomplete
DERBY-208Add support to retrieve lobs for Network Server by locator rather than matierializing the LOB
DERBY-183Parameter names required in CREATE FUNCTION
DERBY-147ERROR 42X79 not consistant ? - same column name specified twice
DERBY-64Create a table with a query
DERBY-47Some possible improvements to IN optimization