Rank | Name | Solved | Time |
1 | 4/27 Bumpkins (U Texas - Austin) | 7 | 1277 |
2 | UNT Team 1 (UNT) | 6 | 1217 |
3 | Rice Blue (Rice) | 5 | 753 |
4 | Kilte (LeTourneau) | 4 | 657 |
5 | Cell Shock (U Texas - Austin) | 4 | 836 |
6 | University of Tulsa - Team 1 (Tulsa) | 4 | 885 |
7 | Texas A&M Maroon (Texas A&M) | 4 | 918 |
8 | The OUlgorithmics (U Oklahoma) | 4 | 941 |
9 | Texas A&M Aggies (Texas A&M) | 3 | 344 |
10 | Meteors (UT Dallas) | 3 | 587 |
Honorable Mention |
ACU Purple (ACU) |
Comets (UT Dallas) |
Confickers (McNeese) |
Cowbyte (Oklahoma State U) |
ECU - White (ECU) |
Keyboard Cats (UT Tyler) |
Negative Acknowledgement (Baylor) |
SMU Red (SMU) |
Seleste (LeTourneau) |
Stars (UT Dallas) |
TLE (U Texas - Austin) |
Texas A&M White (Texas A&M) |
Trinity University 1 (Trinity U.) |
Trinity University 2 (Trinity U.) |
UH Cougar (U. Houston) |
UTA Team 1 (UT Arlington) |
Unbounded Waiting (Baylor) |
University of Tulsa - Team A (Tulsa) |
gold (LSU) |